Conflict Management
- Conflict exists in all organisations, regardless of their current success. The key is how it is managed
- In today’s workplace, the ability to understand conflict and how to resolve it is becoming an important tool for managers.
- Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs.
- It can also originate from past arguments and personality differences.
Why use QED Services Limited?
- We provide personal, professional, psychologically-based services to organisations.
- We have been providing Conflict Management assistance for over 10 years to a range of corporate and public sector clients.
- All our staff and associates are technically qualified at tertiary level to undertake the work of our clients. We use the best people and the best process/products to provide the best results to our clients.
- Our people are skilled professional individuals who have a grounding in business. We are able to understand your needs and the drivers that bring you to us, therefore delivering the results you need in the timeframe required.
- We understand that time is often of the essence so where possible we will respond to your needs in a timely manner with suitable professional staff.
- Depending on the agreed up front parameters, we are prepared to guarantee the quality of our work.
What QED Services Limited can provide:
- A process that will help to resolve the conflict between people will be developed on a case-by-case basis.
- The process can involve the administration of relevant assessment tools and face-to-face meetings and is designed to improve the outcome from a conflict between two or more employees in an organisation.
Key Principles of QED’s Conflict Management Processes:
- We listen to each party’s point of view
- We take a factual /historical perspective of the conflict
- We bring all affected parties together and facilitate an agreed process to move forward
- Being independent consultants, we are able to act as objective mediators in the process, rather than becoming tied up in the politics or emotional content.
The Value of QED’s Conflict Management Processes to the Organisation:
- Employees are likely to value the proactive and supportive process.
- It will help to drive a resolution.
- Being independent, we can discuss things with the employee that the organisation cannot.