How to Commission an Assessment
To begin with, we will require all the details including the competencies that are sought of a successful incumbent for the role. The key competencies are usually part of the position description that includes the key human attributes. These details will enable us to determine the types of tests that can be used and to set the timeframe for the assessment.
The candidates CV must be faxed or emailed to us.After the content of the assessment is confirmed, the candidate will be provided with a practice leaflet or access to a relevant web site.
The candidate will be contacted in confidence, an appointment will be set and the candidate will be provided with the necessary information concerning the assessment. If we are not provided with the candidate's contact information then the candidate must be asked to call us so that they are correctly prepared for the process.
If the assessment is not undertaken at our premises, then our staff will liaise with the person in charge of booking the rooms at the agreed site.
We will conduct the briefing, administering, scoring and interpretation of results. This includes informing the candidate that a formal report will go to the client, and that feedback is also provided to the recruitment consultant where relevant.
Verbal feedback is provided to the candidate immediately after the assessment where possible. This generally needs to occur before the report is written. The results are formally written up within an agreed timeframe.
Verbal feedback can be rung through, usually within one business day of completing the assessment, to either/or both client and recruitment consultant.
The written report is couriered directly to the client, and a copy given to the recruitment consultant, if required, unless specific arrangements are made to the contrary. Secure email delivery is also available.
All requests for a written report by the candidate are referred to the client, since they legally own the information. However, in the interest of forming an honest and open relationship with a new employee, it may be beneficial to provide permission for a copy to be given to the candidate.
We keep any psychological assessment information for at least 12 months. If there is a candidate in our records, who has applied to another organisation, and wants to use an earlier psychological assessment to support their application, the advice is usually to redo the exercise. This is usually the case, as requirements over time tend to change, and permission would have to be sought from the earlier organisation for the release of the information.
All references to recruitment consultants presuppose that a recruitment consultant has requested the assessment on behalf of one of their clients.