Leadership Development

  • Leadership Development focuses on the management and growth of an organisation’s existing talent
  • We provide a process to determine the individual’s current position relative to the organisation’s current strategic initiative
  • This is followed by a planning session to determine a desired direction and waypoints
  • Regular monitoring and coaching to help and encourage the individual to maintain their growth
  • The process of development involves:
    • Courage – to move forward with thoughts, words and actions
    • Confidence – to exercise natural preferences boldly
    • Comfort – in using learnt preferences
    • Confront – blind spots
    • Complexity – to be able to handle increased complexity.

Why use QED Services Limited?

  • We provide personal, professional, psychologically-based services to organisations.
  • We have been providing Leadership Development Programmes for over 10 years to a range of corporate and public sector clients.
  • All our staff and associates are technically qualified at tertiary level to undertake the work of our clients.  We use the best people and the best process/products to provide the best results to our clients.
  • Our people are skilled professional individuals who have a grounding in business.  We are able to understand your needs and the drivers that bring you to us, therefore delivering the results you need in the timeframe required.
  • We understand that time is often of the essence so where possible we will respond to your needs in a timely manner with suitable professional staff.
  • Depending on the agreed up front parameters, we are prepared to guarantee the quality of our work.

What QED Services Limited can provide:

  • Objective and independent third party assessment and development of leaders and providing of ongoing support and advice throughout the process
  • Understand and utilise your leaders motivations, needs and talents to achieve the organisations goals
  • A model of leadership that is best suited to the culture and beliefs of the organisation to encourage a consistent and standardised process
  • Reports and developmental plans for each employee to provide a tangible outcome of assessment results and discussions
  • Each report and plan will be tailored to individual leaders needs.

Key Principles of QED’s Leadership Development Programmes:

  • The processes, models and tests that are used for development purposes are chosen based on the requirements of the organisation. QED has access to products from a range of suppliers to deliver results that best match the organisations needs
  • Our programmes are tailored to suit the individual’s current position relative to the organisation’s current strategic initiative and how these two points of view are aligned.

The Value of QED’s Leadership Development Programmes to the Organisation:

  • Manage and retain talent and encourage key employees to feel looked after and invested in.
  • Use key leaders to align the goals of the organisation in the right direction. It is a chance to “get everyone on the same page”.
  • Increased self-awareness of key leaders.