- Outplacement is a specific situation (usually occurring as the result of restructuring) where the principles of career counselling and coaching are applied.
- We will assist your staff to adjust to changed circumstances and successfully re-establish their careers either inside or outside the organisation.
- In circumstances such as restructuring, assistance of this kind is fundamental if the individual is to maintain a sense of purpose, motivation, dignity and self-esteem.
- The process benefits the organisation, not just the individual receiving it. It is important to evaluate the consequences of not providing assistance. High costs as well as greater risks of legal action may be preventable.
Why use QED Services Limited?
- We provide personal, professional, psychologically-based services to organisations.
- We have been providing Outplacement Services for over 10 years to a range of corporate clients.
- All our staff and associates are technically qualified at tertiary level to undertake the work of our clients. We use the best people and the best process/products to provide the best results to our clients.
- Our people are skilled professional individuals who have a grounding in business. We are able to understand your needs and the drivers that bring you to us, therefore delivering the results you need in the timeframe required.
- We understand that time is often of the essence so where possible we will respond to your needs in a timely manner with suitable professional staff.
- Depending on the agreed up front parameters, we are prepared to guarantee the quality of our work.
What QED Services Limited can provide:
Organisational Support
- We can support the Organisation through:
- Assisting with the planning of the process
- Coaching managers on the best way to present the news
- Assisting with the consultation process
- Attending the Announcements to provide support to any employee with concerns
One-on-One Support
- We can provide one-on-one support including:
- Delivering individual outplacement support, over several sessions, either on an individual basis or in a group setting
- Drafting CV’s for affected staff member
- Interview training
- Information on the job search and the current job marketplace
- When relevant, put staff member in contact with recruiters
- Telephone support to affected staff member
Key Principles of Outplacement Processes:
- Provide professional, confidential, third party assistance to impacted individuals to help them cope with the emotions associated with redundancy and to help them communicate with family and friends in an appropriate manner
- Allow the participants to be aware of their current reality and to accept this as the foundation to build from. This knowledge is then used to plan a career path external to the organisation
- Assisting employees to understand the change and reengage with the organisation
- Assist individuals to write current curriculum vitae. (Our experience is that people at all levels find this assistance invaluable)
- Help individuals understand the job search process and techniques so they can maximise their effectiveness. Once individuals have this knowledge, it has been proven to be highly successful in their immediate job search.
The Value of the Outplacement Process to the Organisation:
- It significantly frees up important leadership and management time in giving quality focus in rolling out the restructure
- As with any restructure, the organisation will be faced with legal and business risk. The greatest opportunity to minimise the impact of any legal and business risk is to provide comprehensive and structured support in the first stages of restructuring
- It demonstrates to those employees who are not directly impacted by the restructure that the organisation is behaving in a supportive way in the impacted individuals’ time of need.