Structured Interviewing
- It is a well know fact that it is not the best candidate that secures the role, but the one with the best self promotional skills.
- Interviewers must understand the common biases that are involved in interviewing and use ways to accurately assess the difference between candidates.
- Structured interviewing allows the comparison of ‘apples with apples’.
- A necessary aspect is to have undertaken planning and preparation before the actual interview. This moves the focus on the typical unstructured interview away from decisions made by ‘gut feel’.
Why use QED Services Limited?
- We provide personal, professional, psychologically-based services to organisations
- We have been providing Structured Interviewing assistance for recruitment purposes for over 10 years to a range of corporate and public sector clients.
- All our staff and associates are technically qualified at tertiary level to undertake the work of our clients. We use the best people and the best process/products to provide the best results to our clients.
- Our people are skilled professional individuals who have a grounding in business. We are able to understand your needs and the drivers that bring you to us, therefore delivering the results you need in the timeframe required.
- We understand that time is often of the essence so where possible we will respond to your needs in a timely manner with suitable professional staff.
- Depending on the agreed up front parameters, we are prepared to guarantee the quality of our work.
What QED Services Limited can provide:
- Design of standard questions related to the position (and the competency model)
- If you do not have a relevant job description, we are able to assist you in quickly formulating the competencies required for the role in order to provide accurate measurement of job-related qualities.
- Define competencies required for a position.
- Generate interview questions using a structured Behavioural Event Interviewing process.
- The completion of an interview with each candidate, documenting and tabulating the results.
We can also provide
- Information on verbal and non-verbal characteristics of communication.
- An understanding of the biases involved in rating people as well as individual differences in communication.
- The process of recruitment, from advertising to making the final offer.
- Effective and practical ways to discriminate between candidates.
- Show you how to be more familiar with pertinent employment legislation by providing guidelines that are in accordance with legislative requirements.
The Value of QED’s Structured Interviewing Assistance to the Organisation:
- Assesses risk.
- Measures fit with the organisations culture (checks for balance).
- Helps to differentiate between short listed candidates.
- Highlights capabilities and developmental features.
- Screening of the candidate pool.
- Independent so there is no conflict of interest and adds objectivity to the process.